Elderflower Cheesecake
You may have read in our basic elderflower cordial recipe how we yearn for the aromatic elderflower blossoms. The cordial never lasts too long, because after the harvest we add it to all desserts. You can pimp beverages, creamy yoghurt ice cream or cake dough with it as well. Today, we want to show you our latest favourite elderflower recipe, on which we worked the last days. It’s a springlike cheesecake. We want it to be creamy and light, so the filling is made of a cream cheese-youghurt-mix. We sweetened the cream solely with elderflower cordial so it keeps its freshness and additionally gets a floral taste. The combination of whole cane sugar and sea salt gives the crust a nice caramellike note, which is a great combination with the cream cheese.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Mix the flaxseed with water and let it soak for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the ingredients for the crust and crumble it with the butter. At the end, stir in the soaked flax seeds. Evenly spread the dough and a well oiled spring form pan, press well and prick a few times with a fork. Bake the crust for 15 minutes on the middle rack and let it cool down afterwards.
Wrap the cooled down crust well on the outside with two crossed tinfoil sheets. Since the cake is baked in a water bath, there mustn’t be any holes or cuts in the foil.
Mix all ingredients for the filling, except for the egg. Add it at the end and stir it with the rest. Do not stir too long and hard. Pour the filling on the crust, and put it in a low form or baking tray. Fill the tray with boiling water, so it reaches about 2.5cm of the spring form. Wrap the top of the cake with tinfoil, so the cake stays nicely white while baking, but do not press it to the form so the steam can evaporate. Bake the cheesecake on the lowest rack for 60 minutes.
If you don’t want the cake to rip while cooling down, loosen the crust from the spring form with a knife. Let the cheese cake cool down in the form for an hour and afterwards, at least for 4 hours – better overnight – in the fridge. If you want, you can decorate the cake with 1-2 umbels of elderflower.
FoR Springform pan Ø 18 cm
1 tsp ground flaxseed
2 tsp water
100 g wholemeal spelt flour
50 g whole cane sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
50 g butter
200 g Greek yoghurt
200 g double cream cheese
15 g starch
100 ml elderflower cordial
1 organic egg (size M)