Summer Salad
with Radishes
We like to take our time for cooking. Since we putter around in the settlers’ house, extravagant meals came up short. The kitchen was furnished only makeshift so far, and mostly, we just didn’t have the time to cook for hours. So, what we prepared here was pretty simple with few ingredients, preferably directly from our garden. We want to present you one of these every day meals.
For the dressing, blend all ingredients well with the blender. Heat a pot with salt water until it boils. Cook the broccoli florets 5-6 minutes, depending on the size, and blanch the peas for 2 minutes. With a ladle, scoop the vegetables out of the boiling water and put them into ice water. If needed, halve the radishes, roughly chop the dill and thinly slice the nectarine. Mix all the ingredients for the salad and decorate with roasted kernels, if wanted.
For 2-3 Servings
2 tbsp capers
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
4 tbsp cider vinegar
6 tbsp virgin walnut oil
2 tsp salt
1 clove of garlic
2 tbsp maple syrup
250 g fresh peas (weighed without pods)
350 g broccoli florets
200 g radishes
1 nectarine
1 bunch of dill