We, too, are on the lookout for a suitable small house in the countryside. Unfortunately, all vacant houses up for sale in that area we checked out were dead losses. On one of our trips we finally found our dream house. However…inhabited. We thought: Maybe, the owners are up to something new, without knowing yet. In Berlin, you also find offers at your car. We quickly set up a piece of paper with a few lines and our telephone number and put it in their mailbox. You never know. We are still waiting for the owners to call us because they just realized they actually want to sell their house. They just waited for the right buyer. Of course, they would sell the house for an absurdly low price. After all, it is old, the green paint spalls from the wooden shutters, the garden is overgrown, inside are probably only old ovens and old parquet, it is solitary at the end of a road which is not even asphalted…who on earth wants something like that?! We dream on.
Who thought we will be around in the northeast the past months. It all began with our friends Lars und Sylvia. Since last year, they call a wonderful weekend home their own, close to the Stettiner Haff. We were enchanted by the environment at our first visit already. With every further visit our heart beats a bit more for it. If you followed our last stories, you probably know why. Not only the landscape is incredible, but also the Nordic brick buildings and the people we got to know. Our tour in April, which ended on Grete’s farm, startet in Rothemühl, at Lars, Sylvia, Levi and Pepper. It is incredible how Levi thrives there. A lot of space to play, build, discover and to get up to nonsense is what makes children happy. On the search for treasures (Levi is quite into animals’ bones at the moment) we roamed the forest. Out of wood, bricks, mud, and what else you may find we built subsurface vaults, and Levi told uncountable stories about the Stone Age. You can mess around wonderfully while doing that…