Apart from a few theoretic lessons about documentary photography, photo technics, working with daylight, and food styling, we love to give lots of time and room for creativity: cooking together, having a fling on photo shooting or just getting lost in deep conversations. The participants always create an own dynamic, making every workshop unique. To host the workshop in a week at the beginning of spring was a bit unpleasant concerning the weather, which invited us all to our ovens. Yannic, of course, insisted on cooking over open fire outside. He cooked black bean burger with coleslaw, spicy ketchup and smoked onions. To make sure we did not freeze our asses off, we emptied our green house, decorated it with candles and blooming twigs, and marveled at the sunset. What a special evening!
It is always a wonderful feeling to connect people with our two favourite topics, photography and cooking. Even if it is only for four days we spend together, saying goodbye is always hard. It might sound cheesy, but we do not only farewell participants, but people we have closed in our hearts. Thank you, Lisa, Caro, Deniz, Juliane, Angela and Barbara, for joining us. And a huge thank you to you, Lisa, not only for your help and support, but also for enriching our group!
It’s been about one year and a half since our last Rustic & Raw workshop, until in the middle of April six new participants hot the road to Mecklenburg. For us, it is an incredible feeling every time again to see how people from Germany, Switzerland and Austria want to be part of this adventure. Our Rustic & Raw workshop is exactly this every time: a little adventure. It is so much more than just a photography and food styling workshop. The four days are intensive, inspiring, personal, and they live off the fact that everyone moves a bit outside their comfort zone.
For us, to host a workshop again after such a long time was special for another reason as well. It was the first one in our own house. The participants were accommodated in Christina’s and Knut’s “Alte Schule” again, but they spent most of the time at our house. How beautiful to share the magic we experience everyday with other people! Within our own four walls, which we also call our living studio, the participants could get a good feeling for how we work. Under which conditions, with which techniques, how our fund of undergrounds and utensils looks like. This way, we could show under real conditions that with day light and few accessories you can shoot beautiful food photos in every room of the house.