We experienced so much in only two days, generally, and we came home spurred. In the evening, we had campfire bread. It’s incredible we’ve never done this before – despite the fact that Yannic was camping every year as a child. Maybe that’s why we had a pretty lowbrow start and filled our dough. The others eyed us skeptically, but in the end we had a little competition on who would have the most delicious campfire bread in the end. If the dough wasn’t empty at some point, we probably would have made some dessert out of it. We kept that for another occasion.
A lot changed since our last visit at our friends in Rothemühl. Not only was a plethora of peas waiting to be picked, but also a magnificent tree house to be explored. Of course, Lars timbered it for Levi, but we would have happily moved in on the spot. However, the hours spent reading aloud and eating ice cream in the overgrown garden were wonderful nonetheless. With the view and the bird’s twittering you get the best ideas! For example for mashed peas with chanterelles and shaved radishes. Soon, we’ll tell you more. This was not the only inspiration for new recipes we took home. Levi turned 6 this weekend. To mark the occasion, Lars baked a current crumble cake which inspired a new recipe. Stay tuned!