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From this moment on, we had the feeling time flies. Kristi, Kendall, Paul, Bianca, Dave and Matthew dispelled our doubts rather fast with their congenial attitude and gave us four exciting, unforgettable shooting days. In addition to a video about us and our food photography, there are seven helpful tutorials with our editing tips for Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. We are super excited and looking forward to your feedback. And since we did not only were in front of the camera during these four days, but also behind, we want to show you the photo story of a beautiful evening with our friend Grit, Rica, and Christian, who came to visit us for the shoot. The pumpkin harvest was pending, so we thought, why not prepare a delicious dinner with? We cooked the pumpkin as a whole in the fire. In addition, we had self baked sourdough bread with chanterelles, apple chutney, deep fried sage and a smokey crème fraîche. What else can you wish for?
A few weeks ago we had one of these moments that simply feels like a dream. Unreal, crazy, incredible. We had a mail from Adobe in our inbox. Nothing unusual so far, we’ve been working with Lightroom and Photoshop for years now, and we receive the newsletter regularly. This time, it was more than that. We already knew their new format „Your shot. Your story.“ by Adobe. Photographers from all over the world, specialized in different fields of photography, and their work are presented. For food photography, Adobe came across us. Even if the first mail from California was exciting enough, we thought they asked hundreds of photographers more. After a video call it became clear that they did not, and that they wanted specifically us for this format. The question “why” wandered in our heads. Why us? Why not one of the other great food photographers? Is a production team seriously coming from the US for us? It’s just us… All of this gave us sleepless nights. But not too many, because it went on incredibly fast. Soon after, six strangers were standing in our apartment in Berlin.

This post was written in cooperation with Adobe. Even though we were paid for this cooperation, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.